3D Shapes Bingo
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  • Tons of tips, tricks, and techniques to help with learning
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3D Shapes Bingo Cards

Here are the details of 3D Shapes bingo.

What 3D Shapes Bingo Is About

This particular bingo game is designed to help students learn 3-Dimensional shapes.

How to Play 3D Shapes Bingo

Playing 3D Shapes bingo in the classroom (or in the case of parents, with your kids at home) is very simple. Here are the instructions:
  1. Each student is given a bingo card or bingo worksheet containing a different random selection of names of 3D shapes.

    Additionally, each student is also given a marker pen (or set of counters).

    Here is an example of a typical 3D Shapes bingo card:

    3D Shapes Bingo Card

  2. The teacher (or parent) describes (in random order) various 3D shapes (she can also show a picture or model if available).

  3. The students then try to look for the name of the shape on their bingo card or worksheet.. If they find it, they cross off that square (or cover it with a counter). Students start off with one square they can mark off without waiting for it to be called out - the "Free Space" square in the middle of the bingo card.

  4. The winner is the first student to achieve a winning pattern and call out "Bingo!" (the teacher or parent should check their card at this point).

    It is of course essential that the teacher (or parent) should explain what is required for a winning pattern before play starts:

    • If you want to play a short game: The winning pattern could be any straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of five marked off squares.

    • If you want to play medium-length game: The winning pattern could be any two intersecting straight lines of five marked off squares.

    • If you want to play a long game: The winning pattern could be to mark off every square on the bingo card. Please note however, if lots of your students are prone to miss matches, you might never get a winner this way!

    • If you have lots of students, and want to have multiple winners: You could have multiple winning patterns - the first winner is the first student to mark off all four corner squares, the second winner is the first student to get a straight line of five marked off squares, the third winner is the first student to get two intersecting lines of five, and the fourth winner is the student who is first to mark off all the squares on their bingo card.

Free Printable 3D Shapes Bingo Cards & Worksheets

Here are some free printables for playing 3D Shapes bingo. They include a call sheet (for the teacher or parent to use for bingo calls), and a set of 8 bingo cards to give to students.

To print, please click the Print button in the preview window:

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Here are some suggestions for the types of things that the teacher might call out (she may also wish to show a model, picture or drawing of the shape if possible):

(Printed on the Bingo Cards & Call Sheet)
What the Teacher Might Say
cone a three dimensional solid shape with a flat round base that tapers smoothly to a vertex
or show model, picture or drawing
cube a three dimensional solid shape with six square faces
or show model, picture or drawing
cube octahedron a three dimensional solid shape with eight triangular faces and six square faces
or show model, picture or drawing
cuboid a three dimensional solid shape with six rectangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
cylinder a three dimensional solid shape with a circle as the bottom and top faces
or show model, picture or drawing
dodecahedron a three dimensional solid shape with twelve pentagonal faces
or show model, picture or drawing
ellipsoid a three dimensional solid shape based on an ellipse, with three axes, each potentially different from each other
or show model, picture or drawing
hemisphere a three dimensional solid shape based on cutting a sphere into half
or show model, picture or drawing
hexagonal antiprism a three dimensional solid shape with two hexagonal faces (top and bottom), and twelve triangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
hexagonal prism a three dimensional solid shape with two hexagonal faces (top and bottom), and six rectangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
icosahedron a three dimensional solid shape with twenty faces
or show model, picture or drawing
octagonal prism a three dimensional solid shape with two octagonal faces (top and bottom), and eight rectangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
octahedron a three dimensional solid shape with eight triangular faces, all the same
or show model, picture or drawing
pentagonal antiprism a three dimensional solid shape with two pentagonal faces (top and bottom) and ten triangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
pentagonal bipyramid a three dimensional solid shape with ten triangular sides
or show model, picture or drawing
pentagonal prism a three dimensional solid shape with two pentagonal faces (top and bottom) and five rectangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
sphere a three dimensional solid shape which is a perfectly round ball
or show model, picture or drawing
spheroid a three dimensional solid shape which is a sphere flattened in one direction, namely horizontally (prolate) or vertically (oblate)
or show model, picture or drawing
square antiprism a three dimensional solid shape which has two square faces (top and bottom) and eight triangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
square-based pyramid a three dimensional solid shape which has five faces, one of which is square, and the other four of which are triangular
or show model, picture or drawing
tetragonal bipyramid a three dimensional solid shape which has eight triangular faces which need not be all the same
or show model, picture or drawing
tetrahedron a three dimensional solid shape which has four triangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
torus a three dimensional solid shape donut shape
or show model, picture or drawing
triangular bipyramid a three dimensional solid shape which has six triangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing
triangular prism a three dimensional solid shape which has two triangular faces (top and bottom) and three rectangular faces
or show model, picture or drawing

Suggestions for Variations of 3D Shapes Bingo

Here are some suggestions for variations on 3D Shapes bingo:
  1. Try varying the winning pattern.

  2. Try using different 3D shapes.

  3. Variation: Try playing with bingo cards printed with a mix of 3D and 2D shapes.

How to Create Your Own 3D Shapes Bingo Cards & Other Materials

The 3D Shapes bingo printables on this web site were produced using the registered version of the Bingo Card Printer software. You could easily make your own bingo games using the same method.

Here is how to create your own 3D Shapes bingo cards:
  1. Start the Bingo Card Printer.

  2. Click New... on the File menu.

  3. Choose Blank as the type of new template, then click OK.

  4. Enter each of the shapes into Bingo Card Printer software:

    • To add an item: Type the new item into the field entitled Type your new item here.

    • To remove an item: Select the item (by clicking with the mouse) in the list of items, and then select Delete Item on the Edit menu.

    • To add multiple items quickly: Click Add Multiple Items... on the Edit menu of Bingo Card Printer, and type the items one per line.

    • To copy a list of items from another program (for example, a word processor document): Select and then Copy the items in the word processor or other program (they must be listed one item per line), switch to Bingo Card Printer, and click Add Multiple Items... on the Edit menu, and then paste them into dialog box by right clicking in the text entry area and selecting Paste on the pop-up menu.

  5. Optionally: If you want to, you can change the colors and/or fonts for the bingo cards using the Colors... or Fonts... options on the Format menu.

  6. Optionally: If you want to, you can change the printing options (such as the number of bingo cards to print, or the number of bingo cards per printed page) on the main screen of Bingo Card Printer

  7. Click Print... on the File menu. Change any of printer options if you want to, then click OK to begin printing.

Note: If you wish to download the settings that were used to prepare the printables on this page (in order to use them as a starting point for your own work) you can do so:
  1. Note: To make use of these materials you will need the registered version of the Bingo Card Printer. The materials were prepared using version 3.20 of Bingo Card Printer, so if you have an older version of the software on your computer, please upgrade to the latest version of the software first.

  2. You can download the settings file bingo_3d_shapes.bcp by clicking here. Save the file to a folder of your choice on computer.

  3. Start Bingo Card Printer.

  4. Click Open... on the File menu, then select the file that you saved in step 2, and click OK.

  5. The template will now open, and you can use it, modify it, etc., as you wish.

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